The M14 is suitable for versatile tasks in the field of vibration measurement and monitoring. Typical applications include monitoring the smooth running of rotating machines to DIN/ ISO 20816 and monitoring rolling bearings. The M14 enables maintenance technicians to recognize the early signs of wear and prevent consequential damages.
The instrument has a USB-interface at the front and an RS485 interface at the back. These allow software supported parameter setup and monitoring with a PC or PLC.
Specifications :
- Unbalance vibration monitoring according to ISO 10816 / ISO 20816
- Monitoring of bearing vibration
- Frequency-selective monitoring of particular frequencies by FFT
- Input for IEPE compatible sensors
- Programmable via front-side USB
- RMS/peak monitoring
- Programmable high pass and low pass filters
- LED level bargraph on front side
- Relay outputs for warning and alarm with programmable thresholds and delays
- Isolated 4 .. 20 mA current loop output
- RS-485 via DIN rail bus connectors with MODBUS RTU protocol
- Stackable on 35 mm DIN rail
Download the Datasheet: Datasheet_M14